Unseliger Aberglaube: Hexenwahn früher und heute (in German)
Stuttgarter Zeitung (Markus Brauer)
Political Analysis Needs More Witchcraft
The Atlantic (Brian Klaas)
Tro på onda häxkonster fortfarande stark – Sverige sticker ut (in Swedish)
Dagens Nyheter (Johan Nilsson)
Ifølge nyt studie tror 40 procent på hekse. Har krisen næret overtroen? (in Danish)
Kristeligt Dagblad (Alexander Dahl)
Selon une vaste étude, un milliard de personnes croient en la sorcellerie! (in French)
Science & Vie
Wie der moderne Hexenglaube unseren Wohlstand gefährdet (in German)
National Geographic (Katarina Fischer)
Aberglaube ist omnipräsent: Warum wir alle gerne Harry Potter wären (in German)
Kurier (Susanne Mauthner-Weber)
“Mas que as há, há”: quase metade dos portugueses acredita em bruxaria (in Portuguese)
Público (Tiago Ramalho)
Wer an Gott glaubt, glaubt häufig auch an Hexerei (in German)
NZZ Magazin (Patrick Imhasly)
No Brasil 51 percent acreditam em bruxas, percentual acima da média global (in Portuguese)
O Globo (Rafael Garcia)
Geloof in hekserij is nog altijd springlevend, zo blijkt uit nieuw onderzoek (in Dutch)
Scientias (Caroline Kraaijvanger)
Злое колдунство: как сглаз и порча вредят экономикам (in Russian)
N+1 (Ilya Ferapontov)
Viele Menschen glauben weiterhin an die Existenz von Hexen (in German)
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Alice Lanzke)
4 in 10 people worldwide believe in witches
Live Science (Tia Ghose)
Tremate, le streghe sono ancora tra noi. O almeno così credono due persone su cinque nel mondo (in Italian)
la Repubblica (Elena Dusi)
Russia has got a problem with witches
Newsweek (Robyn White)
The evil eye isn’t just a trend. Here’s what it means to me
The Washington Post (Eda Uzunlar)
Witchcraft beliefs as a cultural legacy of the Atlantic slave trade
Comment l’esclavage a contribué à l’essor de la sorcellerie (in French)
National Geographic (Taïna Cluzeau)
Witches exist and they come in numbers
ZAM Magazine (Alberique Houndjo et al.)
When magical beliefs shape reality
I, Science (Juanita Bawagan)
Labeling women witches remains a powerful tool for social stigmatization
Seeker (Jen Viegas)
Hexenjagd im 21. Jahrhundert (in German)
Bild (Christian Müller)
Бес стагнации (in Russian)
Коммерсантъ Деньги (Vladimir Ruvinsky)
O que bruxaria tem a ver com economia? (in Portuguese)
Exame (João Pedro Caleiro)
Falsos intermediarios (in Spanish)
Pulso San Luis (Alfonso Lastras Martínez)
How witchcraft harms economies
Seeker (Ben Radford)
Why belief in witchcraft can do harm
Live Science (Stephanie Pappas)
Believing in witchcraft can slow economic progress, researcher discovers
The Independent (Doug Bolton)
Witchcraft belief creates antisocial cultures that are bad for business
International Business Times (Léa Surugue)
As origens econômicas do olho gordo (in Portuguese)
Exame (João Pedro Caleiro)
The hidden economic lessons of the evil eye
Quartz (Matt Phillips)
E assim nasceu o mau-olhado (in Portuguese)
Correio Braziliense (Isabela de Oliveira)
The case for the evil eye
The Boston Globe (Kevin Lewis)
What to do when the invisible hand stops working
Bloomberg (Mark Buchanan)
¿Es la creencia en la brujería un factor para el desarrollo económico? (in English and Spanish)
RCN Radio (Alejandro Villegas and Laura Bernal)
Big and small gods
Do witchcraft beliefs halt economic progress?
Do witchcraft beliefs hurt economic progress?
Marginal Revolution
Witchcraft beliefs and the erosion of social capital
African Economic History Network
3%: The magical inflation target
About envy
Economic Logic